Key to Achieving Security

Context is The Key to Achieving Security in the Cloud

Vladi Sandler
By: Vladi Sandler
Nov 24, 2020

Background Before AWS, before buckets, and before SLAs, the term “cloud” referred to white puffs in the sky telling us if rain was on the horizon or not. Security in on-prem environments focused heavily on the constructs of the peri...

Killing Cloud Security Misconceptions

Killing Cloud Security Misconceptions Part 1: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

Or Azarzar
By: Or Azarzar
Nov 17, 2020

Background The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) tells us the whole story just by its name – these are exposures and vulnerabilities that are common. But what happens when uncommon issues are discovered and exploited by attac...

Cloud Security Tools

Useful Cloud Security Tools and Links

Vladi Sandler
By: Vladi Sandler
Oct 13, 2020

Background Being part of a community is powerful. At Panoptica, we learn so much from others all the time - peers, colleagues, partners, and customers; everyone leaves us with something useful. We are very thankful for the great cloud securi...